California Nursing Home Administrator Exam

California NHA Exam Practice Tests

The products listed below each contain (1) (50)question practice test in PDF format for the California NHA - Nursing Home Administrator Exam. Some products do contain multiple tests, (Bundles), in which case it will contain x amount of practice tests.

Each of our tests are accompanied with a detailed answer key that contains not only the correct answer, but the actual code of the regulation or law from which it was designed. Test questions are in multiple choice format along with the occasional True/False, and missing words. This style supports and enhances both Rote, and Recall / Recognition memorization. Your own study techniques will vary; check our Resources page for our partners pages to improve memory, grammar, and many training options.

Our questions were drafted exclusively from the California Code of Regulations Title 22 and the Code of Federal Regulations Title 42 known also as OBRA.

Although not an exhaustive list, each of our practice tests touch on the following subject areas: Resident rights, required committees, patient/resident transfers, staffing and personnel, ICF’s, nursing requirements, restraint usage, OBRA, bed classifications, recognizing abuse, mass casualty plans, record keeping, quality of life for the resident, and more.

Thank you for considering us as part of your study regime, and we wish you the very best of luck on all of your exams.

Resource Links

California Title 22, Division 5

Code of Federal Regulations Title 42


Additionally, it is the responsibility of the potential administrator to be knowledgeable of 42 CFR, Part 483, which identify the requirements for state long term care facilities (SNFs).


The State Examination consists of 100 multiple choice questions. The content of the examination includes the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 5; as well as, the following title or code cites:

• Chapter 2.5, Chapter 3, Article 3 …………30 questions

• Chapter 3, Article 5 ……………………….. 20 questions

• Chapter 3, Article 6, Chapter 4 …………...18 questions

• Chapter 4, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6……… 17 questions

Please Note: NHAP does not have copies of Title 22 nor the OBRA Regulations.