Alabama Nursing Home Administrator Exam Practice Tests

  • Alabama NHA Exam

The products listed below each contain 1 (50) question practice test in a PDF format for the State of Alabama Nursing Home Administrator Licensing Exam. Some products contain multiple tests (Bundles), containing x amount of practice tests.

Each test is accompanied by a detailed answer key containing the correct answer and the actual code of the regulation or law from which it was drafted. Test questions are in multiple-choice format, with the occasional True/False and missing words. This style supports and enhances both Rote and Recall / Recognition memorization. Your own study techniques will vary; check our Resources page for our partners’ pages to improve memory, grammar, and many training options.

Thank you for considering us as part of your study regime, and we wish you the best of luck on your exams.

Resource Links

State Exam Materials

Check if an Individual is Licensed